Seerumin lasipullo

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Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper

Räätälöity väri ja LOGO 30ml painonappi valkoinen paksu sylinteri lasi kosmeettinen tiputus pakkauspullo puristinpumpun tiputtimella

Tämä 30 ml: n kaltevuusvihreä timantin muotoinen tippapullo on täydellinen seerumien, öljyjen ja kosmetiikan säilyttämiseen. Sen ainutlaatuinen timanttimuotoilu ja tyylikäs kaltevuusvihreä väri tarjoavat modernin ilmeen. Valmistettu kestävistä materiaaleista, se suojaa sisältöä valolta varmistaen samalla tarkan annostelun tiputtimella. Ihanteellinen sekä henkilökohtaiseen että ammattikäyttöön.



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