Set Botol Kosmetik

Rumah >  Produk >  Set Botol Kosmetik

30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml luxury cosmetics packaging glass bottle sets gold lid skincare cream jar and pump spray bottle set
30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml luxury cosmetics packaging glass bottle sets gold lid skincare cream jar and pump spray bottle set
30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml luxury cosmetics packaging glass bottle sets gold lid skincare cream jar and pump spray bottle set
30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml luxury cosmetics packaging glass bottle sets gold lid skincare cream jar and pump spray bottle set
30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml luxury cosmetics packaging glass bottle sets gold lid skincare cream jar and pump spray bottle set
30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml luxury cosmetics packaging glass bottle sets gold lid skincare cream jar and pump spray bottle set
30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml luxury cosmetics packaging glass bottle sets gold lid skincare cream jar and pump spray bottle set
30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml luxury cosmetics packaging glass bottle sets gold lid skincare cream jar and pump spray bottle set
30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml luxury cosmetics packaging glass bottle sets gold lid skincare cream jar and pump spray bottle set
30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml luxury cosmetics packaging glass bottle sets gold lid skincare cream jar and pump spray bottle set
30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml luxury cosmetics packaging glass bottle sets gold lid skincare cream jar and pump spray bottle set
30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml luxury cosmetics packaging glass bottle sets gold lid skincare cream jar and pump spray bottle set

30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml kemasan kosmetik mewah set botol kaca tutup emas toples krim perawatan kulit dan set botol semprot pompa

Set kosmetik kaca datar, persegi, bersudut bundar yang elegan ini meliputi30 gramdan50 gramtoples krim, bersama dengan40ml,100mldan120mlbotol lotion. Desain modern menampilkan sudut yang ramping dan membulat, menawarkan tampilan yang canggih sekaligus memberikan daya tahan dan perlindungan untuk formulasi perawatan kulit Anda. Stoples krim sangat cocok untuk menyimpan krim, balsem, atau produk lain yang lebih kental, sedangkan botol lotion ideal untuk serum, toner, dan lotion cair. Set ini sangat cocok untuk merek kecantikan premium atau koleksi perawatan kulit pribadi, menggabungkan fungsionalitas dan daya tarik estetika.


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