Botol Fondasi Kaca

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30ml empty frosted cosmetic designer make-up glass foundation lotion bottle with pump
30ml empty frosted cosmetic designer make-up glass foundation lotion bottle with pump
30ml empty frosted cosmetic designer make-up glass foundation lotion bottle with pump
30ml empty frosted cosmetic designer make-up glass foundation lotion bottle with pump
30ml empty frosted cosmetic designer make-up glass foundation lotion bottle with pump
30ml empty frosted cosmetic designer make-up glass foundation lotion bottle with pump
30ml empty frosted cosmetic designer make-up glass foundation lotion bottle with pump
30ml empty frosted cosmetic designer make-up glass foundation lotion bottle with pump
30ml empty frosted cosmetic designer make-up glass foundation lotion bottle with pump
30ml empty frosted cosmetic designer make-up glass foundation lotion bottle with pump
30ml empty frosted cosmetic designer make-up glass foundation lotion bottle with pump
30ml empty frosted cosmetic designer make-up glass foundation lotion bottle with pump

30ml botol lotion alas bedak kaca make-up desainer kosmetik buram kosong dengan pompa

Botol alas bedak kaca persegi datar 30ml ini memadukan desain modern dengan kepraktisan. Bentuknya yang ramping dan hemat ruang sangat cocok untuk koleksi riasan apa pun, sementara kaca yang tahan lama memastikan alas bedak Anda tetap terlindungi. Ideal untuk penggunaan di rumah dan bepergian, botol bergaya ini menambahkan sentuhan elegan pada rutinitas kecantikan Anda, membuat aplikasi menjadi mudah dan menyenangkan.


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