Toples Krim Wajah

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80g 100g 150g 200g frosted round shape containers glass cosmetic face cream jars with white lids
80g 100g 150g 200g frosted round shape containers glass cosmetic face cream jars with white lids
80g 100g 150g 200g frosted round shape containers glass cosmetic face cream jars with white lids
80g 100g 150g 200g frosted round shape containers glass cosmetic face cream jars with white lids
80g 100g 150g 200g frosted round shape containers glass cosmetic face cream jars with white lids
80g 100g 150g 200g frosted round shape containers glass cosmetic face cream jars with white lids
80g 100g 150g 200g frosted round shape containers glass cosmetic face cream jars with white lids
80g 100g 150g 200g frosted round shape containers glass cosmetic face cream jars with white lids
80g 100g 150g 200g frosted round shape containers glass cosmetic face cream jars with white lids
80g 100g 150g 200g frosted round shape containers glass cosmetic face cream jars with white lids
80g 100g 150g 200g frosted round shape containers glass cosmetic face cream jars with white lids
80g 100g 150g 200g frosted round shape containers glass cosmetic face cream jars with white lids

80g 100g 150g 200g wadah bentuk bulat buram toples krim wajah kosmetik kaca dengan tutup putih

Stoples krim silinder kaca buram ini tersedia dalam ukuran 80g, 100g, 150g, dan 200g, ideal untuk krim, balsem, dan produk perawatan kulit. Hasil akhir buram yang elegan menawarkan perlindungan ringan sekaligus meningkatkan visibilitas produk. Tahan lama dan bergaya, toples ini memastikan kesegaran dan meningkatkan presentasi merek Anda. Sempurna untuk penggunaan pribadi atau profesional, mereka menyediakan solusi pengemasan modern untuk lini kosmetik apa pun.


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