Botol Kaca Serum

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Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging

Botol esensi 30ml yang disesuaikan dengan botol minyak esensial buram pipet kemasan kosmetik botol kaca bahu datar

Menjadi mitra Yinmai dan dapatkan lebih banyak solusi pengemasan!
Botol penetes kaca bahu multi-warna terbaru kami yang dipatenkan dirancang dengan cermat untuk menambahkan sentuhan yang hidup pada koleksi minyak esensial Anda. Bahu botol tersedia dalam berbagai warna, sangat cocok dengan penetes kaca yang bergaya, memancarkan suasana yang semarak dan membangkitkan semangat.
Botol minyak kami yang dipatenkan dirancang dengan kapasitas 30ml untuk menampung banyak minyak esensial favorit Anda. Penetes presisi memastikan pengukuran yang mudah, rapi, dan akurat setiap saat.
Struktur kaca yang tebal tidak hanya memberikan nuansa mewah tetapi juga memastikan daya tahan. Bahan kacanya yang berkualitas tinggi tidak berinteraksi dengan minyak, mempertahankan kesegaran dan sifat penyembuhannya.

YINMAI  30ml Botol Serum Kaca Disesuaikan 1oz jenggot  Botol Minyak Esensial  untuk Kemasan Kosmetik
Terbuat dari kaca
Mencetak Karya Seni
Coating, Screen prinitng, Golden printing, Silver printing, Frosting, Elactroplating golden, Shading, Matt, Shine dan sebagainya.
Dropper, tutup plastik, tutup aluminium, sumbat karet, penyemprot pompa
Warna botol
Hitam, Emas, Merah Muda, Amber, Biru, Bening, JADI ON
Warna karet
Putih, hitam, kuning, biru, merah, mawar merah
Sampel gratis di stok kami. Atau buat sampel sebagai desain Anda
Waktu Pengiriman pesanan Buld
30-40 hari setelah setoran
T/T, PayPal
Selamat datang untuk mengunjungi pabrik kami di Baiyun, Guangzhou
Karton standar yang aman diekspor.atau sesuai kebutuhan Anda

Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging manufactureCustomized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging detailsCustomized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging factoryCustomized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging factoryCustomized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging manufacture

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