Botol Kaca Serum

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Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper

Warna yang disesuaikan dan LOGO 30ml tombol tekan botol kemasan penetes kosmetik kaca silinder tebal putih dengan penetes pompa tekan

Botol penetes berbentuk berlian hijau gradien 30ml ini sangat cocok untuk menyimpan serum, minyak, dan kosmetik. Desain berlian yang unik dan warna hijau gradien yang bergaya menawarkan tampilan modern. Terbuat dari bahan yang tahan lama, melindungi isi dari cahaya sambil memastikan pengeluaran yang tepat dengan penetes. Ideal untuk penggunaan pribadi dan profesional.


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