Set Botol Kosmetik

Rumah >  Produk >  Set Botol Kosmetik

Unique 40ml 100ml 120ml 50g luxury cosmetics cream glass bottle and jars set skincare packaging cosmetic spray pump bottle
Unique 40ml 100ml 120ml 50g luxury cosmetics cream glass bottle and jars set skincare packaging cosmetic spray pump bottle
Unique 40ml 100ml 120ml 50g luxury cosmetics cream glass bottle and jars set skincare packaging cosmetic spray pump bottle
Unique 40ml 100ml 120ml 50g luxury cosmetics cream glass bottle and jars set skincare packaging cosmetic spray pump bottle
Unique 40ml 100ml 120ml 50g luxury cosmetics cream glass bottle and jars set skincare packaging cosmetic spray pump bottle
Unique 40ml 100ml 120ml 50g luxury cosmetics cream glass bottle and jars set skincare packaging cosmetic spray pump bottle
Unique 40ml 100ml 120ml 50g luxury cosmetics cream glass bottle and jars set skincare packaging cosmetic spray pump bottle
Unique 40ml 100ml 120ml 50g luxury cosmetics cream glass bottle and jars set skincare packaging cosmetic spray pump bottle
Unique 40ml 100ml 120ml 50g luxury cosmetics cream glass bottle and jars set skincare packaging cosmetic spray pump bottle
Unique 40ml 100ml 120ml 50g luxury cosmetics cream glass bottle and jars set skincare packaging cosmetic spray pump bottle
Unique 40ml 100ml 120ml 50g luxury cosmetics cream glass bottle and jars set skincare packaging cosmetic spray pump bottle
Unique 40ml 100ml 120ml 50g luxury cosmetics cream glass bottle and jars set skincare packaging cosmetic spray pump bottle

Unik 40ml 100ml 120ml 50g kosmetik mewah krim kaca botol dan toples set kemasan perawatan kulit botol pompa semprot kosmetik

Set kemasan oranye yang mewah dan unik ini sangat cocok untuk produk perawatan kulit premium. Set ini termasuk toples krim 50g dan botol pompa lotion dalam ukuran 40ml, 100ml, dan 120ml. Menampilkan desain yang ramping dan menarik dengan tampilan seperti berlian, botol dan toples dibuat untuk menambahkan sentuhan keanggunan dan kecanggihan pada lini perawatan kulit Anda. Bahan berkualitas tinggi memastikan daya tahan dan tampilan yang halus, menjadikan set ini ideal untuk merek perawatan kulit mewah apa pun.


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