Set Botol Kosmetik

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Unique luxury glass cosmetic packaging set custom logo empty skincare cream jar and serum lotion bottle with pump
Unique luxury glass cosmetic packaging set custom logo empty skincare cream jar and serum lotion bottle with pump
Unique luxury glass cosmetic packaging set custom logo empty skincare cream jar and serum lotion bottle with pump
Unique luxury glass cosmetic packaging set custom logo empty skincare cream jar and serum lotion bottle with pump
Unique luxury glass cosmetic packaging set custom logo empty skincare cream jar and serum lotion bottle with pump
Unique luxury glass cosmetic packaging set custom logo empty skincare cream jar and serum lotion bottle with pump
Unique luxury glass cosmetic packaging set custom logo empty skincare cream jar and serum lotion bottle with pump
Unique luxury glass cosmetic packaging set custom logo empty skincare cream jar and serum lotion bottle with pump
Unique luxury glass cosmetic packaging set custom logo empty skincare cream jar and serum lotion bottle with pump
Unique luxury glass cosmetic packaging set custom logo empty skincare cream jar and serum lotion bottle with pump
Unique luxury glass cosmetic packaging set custom logo empty skincare cream jar and serum lotion bottle with pump
Unique luxury glass cosmetic packaging set custom logo empty skincare cream jar and serum lotion bottle with pump

Set kemasan kosmetik kaca mewah unik logo kustom toples krim perawatan kulit kosong dan botol lotion serum dengan pompa

Set kosmetik kaca mewah ini memiliki fitur yang menakjubkanDesain meruncingdenganGradien Selesai Ungu, tersedia diBotol 40ml, 100ml, dan 120mldanStoples 30g dan 50g. Rona ungu gradien menambah tampilan yang elegan dan canggih, cocok untuk produk perawatan kulit premium seperti serum, lotion, dan krim. Bentuk meruncing tidak hanya memberikan estetika modern tetapi juga meningkatkan cengkeraman dan kegunaan. Terbuat dari kaca berkualitas tinggi, botol dan toples ini menawarkan daya tahan dan perlindungan untuk formulasi Anda, menjadikannya ideal untuk merek kecantikan mewah yang ingin meningkatkan lini produk mereka.


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