Set Botol Kosmetik

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Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles

Botol make up unik kaca topi bersinar 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml botol kosmetik bentuk khusus modern toples kaca dan botol

Set botol kaca persegi yang elegan ini memiliki tutup berlian dan termasuk toples krim (30g, 50g) dan botol lotion (40ml, 100ml, 120ml). Ideal untuk kemasan perawatan kulit dan kosmetik mewah.

Logo Mewah Cetak Kustom Grosir 30g 50g 40 100 120 ml wadah kemasan kosmetik set botol kaca lotion perawatan kulit kosong
Terbuat dari kaca
40ml 100ml 120ml 30G 50G
Mencetak Karya Seni
Coating, Screen prinitng, Golden printing, Silver printing, Frosting, Elactroplating golden, Shading, Matt, Shine dan sebagainya.
Dropper, tutup plastik, tutup aluminium, sumbat karet, penyemprot pompa
Warna botol
Hitam, Emas, Merah Muda, Amber, Biru, Bening, JADI ON
Warna karet
Putih, hitam, kuning, biru, merah, mawar merah
Sampel gratis di stok kami. Atau buat sampel sebagai desain Anda
Waktu Pengiriman pesanan Buld
30-40 hari setelah setoran
T/T, PayPal
Selamat datang untuk mengunjungi pabrik kami di Baiyun, Guangzhou
Karton standar yang aman diekspor.atau sesuai kebutuhan Anda

Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120 ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles detailsUnique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120 ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles factoryUnique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120 ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles factoryUnique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120 ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles factoryUnique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120 ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles supplier

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