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Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging
Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging

Yinmai-ийн хамтрагч болж, илүү олон баглаа боодлын шийдэл ав!
Бидний хамгийн шинэ патентлагдсан олон өнгийн мөрөн шилэн дусал савнууд нь таны эфирийн тосны цуглуулгад эрч хүчтэй мэдрэмж нэмэхийн тулд сайтар бодож боловсруулсан юм. Лонхны мөр нь олон өнгөөр худалдаалагдана.
Манай патентлагдсан тосны лонхнууд 30мл-ийн багтаамжтай бөгөөд таны дуртай эфирийн тосыг багтаадаг. Нарийвчилсан дусал нь хялбар, цэвэр цэмцгэр, үнэн зөв хэмжилт хийх боломжийг олгодог.
Зузаан шилэн бүтэц нь тансаг мэдрэмж төрүүлээд зогсохгүй бат бөх байдлыг хангадаг. Өндөр чанартай шилэн материал нь тостой харилцан нөлөөлөхгүй бөгөөд шинэхэн болон эдгээх шинж чанараа хадгалдаг.


YINMAI  30ml Glass Serum Bottles Custom 1oz сахал  Эфир тосны  сав Косметикийн баглаа боодолтой

Customized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging manufactureCustomized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging detailsCustomized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging factoryCustomized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging factoryCustomized 30ml essence bottle with dropper frosted essential oil bottle flat shoulder glass bottle cosmetic packaging manufacture
