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Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper

Энэхүү 30мл градиент ногоон алмаз хэлбэртэй дусал сав нь серум, тос, гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүн хадгалахад маш тохиромжтой. Алмазын өвөрмөц дизайн, гоёмсог градиент ногоон өнгө нь орчин үеийн дүр төрхийг санал болгодог. Бат бөх материалаар хийсэн энэ машин агуулгыг гэрлээс хамгаалахын зэрэгцээ дусал дусал машиныг нарийвчлан хэрэглэх боломжийг олгодог. Хувийн болон мэргэжлийн аль алинд нь тохиромжтой.


