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Customized logo empty round modern skincare toner bottle packaging cylinder luxury glass cosmetic lotion pump bottle set and cream jar
Customized logo empty round modern skincare toner bottle packaging cylinder luxury glass cosmetic lotion pump bottle set and cream jar
Customized logo empty round modern skincare toner bottle packaging cylinder luxury glass cosmetic lotion pump bottle set and cream jar
Customized logo empty round modern skincare toner bottle packaging cylinder luxury glass cosmetic lotion pump bottle set and cream jar
Customized logo empty round modern skincare toner bottle packaging cylinder luxury glass cosmetic lotion pump bottle set and cream jar
Customized logo empty round modern skincare toner bottle packaging cylinder luxury glass cosmetic lotion pump bottle set and cream jar
Customized logo empty round modern skincare toner bottle packaging cylinder luxury glass cosmetic lotion pump bottle set and cream jar
Customized logo empty round modern skincare toner bottle packaging cylinder luxury glass cosmetic lotion pump bottle set and cream jar
Customized logo empty round modern skincare toner bottle packaging cylinder luxury glass cosmetic lotion pump bottle set and cream jar
Customized logo empty round modern skincare toner bottle packaging cylinder luxury glass cosmetic lotion pump bottle set and cream jar
Customized logo empty round modern skincare toner bottle packaging cylinder luxury glass cosmetic lotion pump bottle set and cream jar
Customized logo empty round modern skincare toner bottle packaging cylinder luxury glass cosmetic lotion pump bottle set and cream jar

Гялалзсан сумны тагтай, зууван хэлбэртэй шилэн савны багц нь 50гр кремний сав болон 40мл, 120мл, 150мл хэмжээтэй лосьоны савнуудыг багтаадаг. Загварлаг, дээд зэргийн арьс арчилгааны баглаа боодолтой бүтээгдэхүүнд маш тохиромжтой.


