Sticla de sticla cu ser

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Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper
Customized color and LOGO 30ml push button white thick cylinder glass cosmetic dropper packaging bottle with press pump dropper

Culoare personalizată și LOGO Buton 30ml buton alb cilindru gros sticlă picurător cosmetic sticlă picurător cosmetic cu picurător cu pompă de presare picurător

Această sticlă picurătoare în formă de diamant verde gradient de 30 ml este perfectă pentru depozitarea serurilor, uleiurilor și produselor cosmetice. Designul său unic cu diamant și culoarea verde gradient elegantă oferă un aspect modern. Fabricat din materiale durabile, protejează conținutul de lumină, asigurând în același timp o eliminare precisă cu picurătorul. Ideal atât pentru uz personal, cât și profesional.

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