Komplet kozmetičnih steklenic

Doma >  Izdelkov >  Komplet kozmetičnih steklenic

Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles
Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles

Edinstvena steklenica za ličenje sijoče steklo 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120ml sodobna kozmetična steklenica posebne oblike stekleničke stekleničke in steklenice

Ta eleganten kvadratni stekleni komplet ima diamantni pokrovček in vključuje kozarce za kremo (30 g, 50 g) in steklenice losjona (40 ml, 100 ml, 120 ml). Idealno za razkošno nego kože in kozmetično embalažo.

Luksuzni logotip Tisk po meri veleprodaja 30g 50g 40 100 120 ml kozmetična embalaža komplet prazna steklenička losjona za nego kože
Izdelana iz stekla
40ml 100ml 120ml 30G 50G
Tiskanje umetniških del
Premaz, Screen priniting, zlato tiskanje, srebrno tiskanje, glazura, elactroplating golden, senčenje, mat, sijaj in tako naprej.
Kapalka, plastični pokrovček, aluminijasti pokrovček, gumijasti zamašek, škropilnica črpalke
Barva steklenice
Črna, zlata, roza, jantarna, modra, prozorna, tako naprej
Barva gume
Bela, črna, rumena, modra, rdeča, rožnato rdeča
Brezplačen vzorec na naši zalogi. Ali pa naredite vzorec kot svoj načrt
Buld naročilo Čas dostave
30-40 dni po depozitu
T / T, PayPal
Dobrodošli na obisku naše tovarne v Baiyunu, Guangzhou
Standardna varna izvožena škatla.ali kot vaše zahteve

Unique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120 ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles detailsUnique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120 ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles factoryUnique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120 ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles factoryUnique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120 ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles factoryUnique make up bottle shining cap glass 30g 50g 40ml 100ml 120 ml modern special shape cosmetic bottle glass jars and bottles supplier

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